It is quite surprising that already almost two months are passing since the publication of my new book, “Digital Identity”. Unfortunately, it is in Japanese. If there are demands and proposals from publishers in English speaking countries, my publisher, Nikkei BP, may consider the translation but for the time being, it is only available in Japanese so please recommend it to them if you know any. (Note: My previous book “Blockchain Gaps” was translated into several languages including English, which was published from Springer this April.)
The book is available both in print and in Kindle.
It not only discusses theories behind Digital Identity but also talks about privacy extensively.
Table of Content
1 “Digital Identity” – A core strategy of BigTechs
1–1 Common strategy among the winners in the Cyber Continent
1–2 Three reasons for identity management
1–3 “Platform Strategy” and identity management
1–4 Online user authentication ~ Examples ~
1–5 Privacy protection – the case for the identity of human
1–6 Identity as a corporate management priority
2. Identity Management
2–1 Entity, Identity, Credential
2–2 Entity Authentication
2–3 Identity Management in a narrow sense
2–4 Historical changes in Authentication
3. Identity Federation Framework: OpenID Connect
3–1 OpenID Connect Core 1.0
3–2 FAPI
4. Identity Enabled Access Management
4–1 Daily life is full of Access Management Examples
4–2 Overview of Access Management Systems
4-3 Access Management Framework
4–4 Stakeholders of Access Management Systems
5. Identity management for Corporations
5–1 Importance of Identity Management Independence for Organizations
5–2 A deployment pattern to achieve Identity Management Independence
6. Advancements in the security of identity management
6–1 Three classes of advanced “authentication”
6–2 Advances in Authentication Server – Service communications
6–3 Advances in Communication between Authenticator and Authentication Server
6–4 Advances in Communication between the user and the authenticator
6–5 Issues around the advances
6–6 What to expect in the coming days
7. Privacy protection and identity management
7–1 Source of happiness and privacy
7–2 Privacy framework ISO/IEC 29100
7–3 Identifier types and privacy risks associated
8. Privacy notice and consent
8–1 Condition for a valid contract
8–2 Privacy Notice
8–3 Consent and its change
8–4 Issues around notice and consent
9. Trust, Brand, and Trust Framework
9–1 Trust and Brand
9–2 Trust Framework
9–3 Management System and Quality Assurance Certification
9–4 Identity trust framework
9–5 Privacy trust framework
Epilogue – 7 principles of Digital Being
In Japan, we also had an event regarding this book on August 24 and over 530 people registered and we had over 330 concurrent attendees in the event. We are having another event on October 15.
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