It was a fun day as always at #EIC18. No time right now to properly blog about it, so here are some of the tweets related to my presentation today, and the slides that I used.
At the #EIC18 #OpenID Foundation workshop, @_nat_en reminds us that #OAuth is just a framework. Prescriptive profiles and extensions, like #FAPI, are necessary to achieve full web-scale interoperability
— Steve Hutchinson (@IdentityHutch) May 15, 2018
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”180515-FAPI-01″]
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”180515-SSIdP-01″]
Now @_nat_en discusses/demos self-issued OpenID Providers (and he’s not talking about @selfissued!). Suggests they’re “like self-sovereign identity only with no blockchain-based data leaking”. Boom? #EIC18
— Eve Maler (@xmlgrrl) May 15, 2018
@_nat_en demoing “self sovereign identity” using a “self issued identity provider” #EIC18 #SSI #OIDC
— George Fletcher (@gffletch) May 15, 2018
Holy cats! Did @_nat_en just kill #blockchain at #EIC18? A self-issued identity provider, #SIIdP, is built upon #OIDC and appears to address many of the requirements of self-sovereign #identity … and built on standards.
— Steve Hutchinson (@IdentityHutch) May 15, 2018
To be clear, I work a lot on Blockchain and I see promises. But I fail to see the compelling needs for SSID to be BC based. There are much better and easier ways to achieve it. #EIC18
— Nat Sakimura (@_nat_en) May 15, 2018