East Japan Earthquake & Tsunami – Day 1

To start with, I and my families are safe.
Here is my tweets for the day. I am trying to tweet info in English to help non-Japanese speaking people in Japan.

Big Earthquake in Japan right now.

posted at 14:54:37

Earthquake Intensity in Japan. http://ow.ly/i/921g

posted at 14:59:14

All the trains in Tokyo are stopped.

posted at 15:08:32

Still Shaking.

posted at 15:08:48

It is one of the biggest shake that Japan had. @shita

posted at 15:13:41

Tsunami 10m H.

posted at 15:26:33

90min past the shake and it is still shaking in Tokyo.

posted at 16:25:50

Earthquake in Japan. Richter Scale 8.4.

posted at 17:01:28

another shake coming in a minute.

posted at 17:44:03

Well, it is 8.8. RT @judico: OMG, 7.9 in Japan. Be safe @_nat_en! #earthquakes

posted at 17:48:43

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s cooling system not working. Emergency state announced. 1740JST #earthquakes

posted at 17:50:54

Now it is corrected to be 8.8. RT @domcat: Earthquake in Japan. Richter Scale 8.4. (via @_nat_en)

posted at 17:54:26

Finally could get in touch with my daughter.

posted at 18:32:38

@rachelmarbus Thanks!

posted at 18:36:40

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant – If we can re-install power for the cooling system within 8 hours, it will be ok. #earthquakes

posted at 18:39:30

@helena_arellano We still have 7 hours to install power for the cooling system.

posted at 19:32:26

Tsunami is approaching Hawaii now.

posted at 22:21:37

English Earthquake Information site for the evacuation center etc. Plz RT. http://ht.ly/4cqam

posted at 22:30:20

According to the Miyagi Police, 200-300 bodies found in the Arahama beach.

posted at 22:43:00

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