JSON Signature and Encryption Spec.

At IIW 2010B, we had a major advancement in the JSON Signature and Encryption Spec. Microsoft, Google, Facebook and me and John Bradley basically converged to a spec. The details has been posted to OpenID Artifact Binding WG list (archive -> http://lists.openid.net/pipermail/openid-specs-ab/Week-of-Mon-20101108/date.html ).

- JSON Token Spec Results at IIW on Tuesday:
- JSON Token Encryption Spec Results at IIW on Wednesday:
- JSON Token Naming Spec Results at IIW on Wednesday:
- JSON Public Key Spec Results at IIW on Thursday:
(Source: JSON Token Spec Work at IIW )

In the next couple of weeks, you will see the new spec draft which is going to go for voting, hopefully.

This is an important spec. All of OAuth, OpenID/AB, OpenID/Connect depends on it.

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