“OpenID TechNight vol.6”, a technical seminar hosted by OpenID Foundation Japan (OIDF-J) took place on May 28, 2010 at NRI.
Here is the summary:
Introduction –
Tatsuya Katsuhara (NRI)
Some introduction to Identity and Web Identity Technology, the history of OpenID and OAuth etc.
OpenID Sessions
OpenID and Extensions:
Nobu Matake, Chair, OIDF-J Translation/Education WG (Cerego Japan)
Case Study: Yahoo! JAPAN OpenID #1
Yusuke Kondo (Yahoo! Japan)
Explaining Yahoo! JAPAN’s OpenID uses, server configuration, and OpenID Attribute Exchange(AX) How-to.
Case Study: Yahoo! JAPAN OpenID #2
Taizo Matsuoka (Yahoo! Japan)
Case Study: NTT ID Login Service
T. Uchiyama(NTT Communications)
NTT ID Login Service started on May 14, 2010. This session explained the security measure taken and future direction.
Case Study: Rakuten x OpenID
Naoki Koshikawa (Rakuten)
As an example of Rakuten’s use of OpenID/OAuth, “Anshin Shiharai Service (Payment Service)”, Mobile OpenID, OAuht Hybrid for Political donation is explained together with the future direction.
Case Study: smart.fm×OpenID
Nobu Matake (Cerego Japan)
The most current OpenID usage statistics from English learning site “smart.fm” including OP rankings and the purpose of the use of OpenID, the utilisation of extensions are explained.
OAuth Sessions
Introduction to OAuth
Eiji Kitamura (NTT Resonant)
OpenID The next step
Nat Sakimura (NRI)
As the next step for OpenID, Nat explained the working groups activities at the OpenID Foundation.
As usual, we had over 100 participants from diverse industry, showing high interest towards OpenID technologies.
You can see the USTREAM archive from the links below.
USTREAM http://www.ustream.tv/channel/openid-tech-night
Report http://gihyo.jp/news/report/2010/06/0101
For the USTREAMing, Mr. Takahashi of Gihyo and =ritou from Yahoo! made heroic effort.
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