OpenID International Activities Updates

I should be doing this more often:

Table of Contents


– CX discussion group has produced use cases and requirement document on Creative Commons License. Contributors are

Yoichi Ohnawa, NEC BIGLOBE, Ltd.
Takaya Tanaka, KDDI Corporation
Daisuke Ikeda, JCB Co, Ltd.
Takayuki Komatsu, SoftBank BB Corp.
Toru Hada, NEC Corporation
Tatsuo Kudo, Nomura Research Institute Ltd., Editor
Nat Sakimura, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
Taizo Matsuoka, Yahoo Japan Corporation
Naoki Koshikawa, Rakuten, Inc.

– Payment Discussion Group is starting in a few week.
As an off spring of the CX Discussion Group, Payment Discussion Group
is starting in Tokyo. It will first evaluate the recent change in the
payment law in Japan, then subsequently disucss the applicability
of OpenID and related technologies on it.

– Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication has published a request for public comment on the coming substantiative experiment which involves OpenID and SAML interop and uses in Telecos and other entities. (Aug. 6)

– Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has put a tender for substantiative experiment on Government-Private Sector Authentication and Identity interoperability, which is likely to be OpenID. (Aug. 4)

NRI and Verisign Japan announced their intent to start high assurance authentication service based on mobile phone identification, risk based authentication, etc. over OpenID. (Aug. 6)

– NTT has announced that it will support OpenID as “NTT Single Signon Service”. When the service opens, it will be the largest OpenID provider in Japan with over 70 million users. (May 12)

– Numerous miscellaneous press coverages and seminars. We stopped counting them at OIDF-J because there are too many now. OIDF-J now has 52 member companies spanning from the telcos, banks, retailers, transportation, IT, etc.


– In June, Robert Ott has become the Vice President of OIDE, and is the acting head of OIDE now, as Snorri is extremely busy right now to run his family’s business after his father passed away late last year.

– Jean-Noel Colin is now the representative for Belgium

– OIDE will be representing OpenID in OpenID at EMEX Suisse.

– In autumn, Robert Ott will present OpenID at a Security Event in the IBM innovation center here in Switzerland.

– The major Dutch social website Hyves released it’s support for OpenID in April.

– “OpenID, put into practice” held in Amsterdam, May 12, was a great success.

CloudViews 2009 held in O Porto, where Nat Sakimura was an invited speaker on identity.

– The largest Portuguese Portal now supports OpenID.

I am pretty sure I am missing many important news. Please let me know so that I can keep the list updated.

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