Increasing Members of OpenID Japan

When OpenID Japan formally started in October 2008, the number of the companies that joined it was 32.

Thereafter, companies continued to join in and as of Apr. 3, it is 48.

The companies that joined after our announcement in October 2008 are as follows:

* (A Magazine who wants to remain anonymous in public)
* 3Di
* Japan Certificate Service Inc.
* Kawaijuku
* Emardio
* Hitachi
* Indigo
* Japan Hewlett Packard
* NTT Data
* NTT Docomo
* NTT Communications
* Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank
* Digital Garage E-Context Company
* Secom Trust
* Cuon
* Nippon Life Insurance

These additions are somewhat significant. Now, we have the top bank and the top insurance company as our member. Three main mobile carriers are here as well. We are having additional certificate authorities, etc. It now has a very good coverage of industries so that their views can be represented.

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