OpenID TechNight #4

OpenID Foundation Japan hosted the OpenID TechNight #4 at GINZA Apple Store on the 10th of February. I went there to attend it straight from Narita Airport.

Almost 120 peopel, which is 1.5 times the capacity of the hall came to attend it.
So, many people were standing, sitting on the isle, etc.

It simply shows the popularity and high interest rate against OpenID in Japan.

We need to capitalize it now because consumer interest will not last.

The lecture was given by tkudo and =zigorou.

After the event, some of us including the both lecturer flocked for a “drink” session, and much talk was done over the mobile profile of OpenID. =zigorou working for one of the largest mobile content provider, and there was another guy from one of the largest Japanese mobile carrier in it. I have recently started a thread on it at, but I need to push it further. The problem is… I do not have time. Oh well… Is there someone who want to help?!

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