“#OIDC: Oh, It’s Damn Complex?!” — Today (June 7) 11:50 – Join us in Room A03-04, bcc Berlin Conference Center

Today (June 7) at 11:50 AM, I will be presenting

#OIDC: Oh, It’s Damn Complex?!”

I will be talking about

  • What OpenID Connect IS and IS NOT.
  • How we designed it.
  • What did not get used?
  • What can we learn from it?

It is a part of the 10 years celebration of OpenID Connect titled “Perspectives from 10 years of OpenID Connect” has speeches from @selfissued, @ve7jtb, @tlodderstedt, together with me Please come along if you are at #EIC2014. If you are in Berlin, please come along

  • Date & Time: June 7, 2024 11:50
  • Location: Room A03-04, bcc Berlin Conference Center

Programme:(Orders may change)

  • Mike Jones: Celebrating Ten Years of OpenID Connect
  • Torsten Lodderstedt: Lessons Learned from OpenID Connect
  • Nat Sakimura: #OIDC: Oh, Its Damn Complex?!
  • OpenID: There is no spoon

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