Failed to send certificate! Do you have your ID-card inserted into the card reader?

Estonian e-Residency Card: How to solve “Failed to send certificate!” error

So I got an Estonian e-Residency Card a while ago. This afternoon, finally, I decided to use it online with my Windows 10 laptop.

The process is pretty simple. You go to and download the driver software and everything should be smooth unless you are as impatient as I am. Instead of installing the driver software before plugging the card in, I just started by inserting the card to the card reader. A bad decision.

If you do that and try to login to, then Window’s default driver gets installed and will not allow browser such as Google Chrome to send the certificate out. You will see the following error:

Failed to send certificate! Do you have your ID-card inserted into the card reader?
Figure 1 – If you insert the e-ID card before installing the driver from, you will face “Failed to send certificate!” error.

Even if you install and re-install the driver software using the installer provided from the above link, it does not solve the problem.

To solve it, you need to go to C:\Program Files\Open-EID in the explorer and right click esteidcm.inf and select “Install”.

Figure 2 – Manually install esteidcm.inf by right clicking on it and selecting “Install”.

Now you should be able to login to

Since it was really difficult to find the solution, here is my 2c. I hope it will help you.

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