My session at Trustech 2018 (Nov. 27) @ Cannes, France

I will be speaking at Trustech 2018 at 10:35 AM on November 27, during the track “IDENTITY AND PRIVACY: THE FULL PICTURE”. 

You can find the information about the conference from Trustech 2018 Web Site. My session is titled 

OpenID in the Digital ID Landscape: A Perspective From the Past to the Future
Digital identity has been under a constant evolution for the last 30 years. It started from a simple access control via user account within a system to a shared credential among the systems, then to the federated identity and bring-your-own-identity (BYOI). Modern usages are not only for access control but include such purposes like digital on-boarding (account opening), employee and customer relationship management. Among the many technologies out there, OpenID seems to have gained popularity in the market that you are probably using it without knowing it. This session explains the positioning of OpenID in the digital ID landscape and explores the future potential for both corporations and individuals.

If you are going to be around, let us connect. My twitter handle is @_nat_en so you can ping there, or if you are on LinkedIn, you can ping me there as well. 

Slideshare Download link

Date & Time: 10:35AM, November 27, 2018
Venue: Palais des Festivals de Cannes, French Riviera
Event Web Site:

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