Using XMLMind to edit xml2rfc documents

I have been using XMLMind so long and from time to time, I have been telling my friends how to install it. So, here is my note:

  1. Install XMLMind Personal Edition from here.
  2. Start XMLMind and goto Options>Preference menu item.
  3. On the preference dialog, click “Install add-ons” in the left pane.
  4. Add urls to the Download add-ons list by clicking on “Add…” button.
  5. Press “OK” and close the dialogue.
  6. Go to Options>Install Add-ons: to Open Install Add-ons dialogue.
  7. Install RFC2629 add-on and W3C XML Schema configuration.

That’s all for the installation.

To create a new document, go to File>New and chose either Baker Sample Internet-Draft or Empty Internet-Draft.

No doubt that it is not-so-easy to use application but it is better than doing hand edit.

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