Web 2008 Expo @ Shibuya

Web 2008 Expo sponsord by OpenID Japan was held in Tokyo on the 3rd of December. 

I did the keynote, and Sakamoto-san of Verisign K.K. did a session on “OpenID in Enterprise” and Seki-san of SixApart K.K. had a session on “OpenID in the internet”.

In the keynote, about 250 people showed up. In the break out sessions, somewhere between 50 to 70 people were there.

To my surprise, almost everybody in the Keynote session knew OpenID, and judging from the hands raised, about 50% has one, 30% have used one, and 15% is still using it.

Seki-san asked another question to the audience in his session: “Are you planning for starting an OpenID based service?”

A lot of them were, which was encouraging.

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