More Development on OpenID in Japan

So, the last week was such a big week for OpenID in Japan.

Here are the list:

Oct. 2: started to offer OpenID based login. It also supports i-names (XRI)!

Oct. 3: JAL expanded OpenID data sharing partnership to another Hotel reservation agent. (Note: this is using TX proposal, and typically transacting something between US$100 to $300.)

Oct. 6: NEC Biglobe started offering BIGLOBE OpenID, which is entirely based on TLS and EV-Certs.

Oct. 6: Rakuten, the biggest internet commerce site in Japan, started to offer “Rakuten Payment” based on OpenID. (I hear that Rakuten’s average sales per transaction is around US$80. I may be wrong…)

There are other backlogs with “Transacting OpenID” that I know but I cannot speak right now.

Japan is going towards the “transacting OpenID”.

I wonder if it is happening else where.

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